By Barry Goldstein During our training to teach batterer classes, we often discussed the fact that much of domestic violence is counterintuitive. One would expect abusers to deny and minimize their abusive behavior, and they do. One would also expect alleged victims to exaggerate or even make up false reports of DV. Instead, it is very common for victims to minimize his abuse; … [Read more...]
“Shared Parenting” Places Ideology Over Children
by Barry Goldstein and Veronica York Just as custody courts developed responses for domestic violence at a time when no research was available, early proponents of shared parenting sought to experiment when there was no research about shared parenting. Initially, parents seeking shared parenting did so voluntarily, in situations where they were able to communicate and cooperate. There is now … [Read more...]
Dear Judge Responding to DV Custody Cases
by Barry Goldstein Dear Judge,The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges seeks to train other judges about important scientific research like ACE (adverse childhood experiences) and Saunders. We now have a specialized body of research and knowledge about domestic violence and child abuse that can help courts recognize true reports of abuse and craft responses that help protect … [Read more...]
LA Supervisors Contemplate a Motion Supporting SB 616 ‘Piqui’s Law’
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, today, will consider a motion by Supervisor Kathryn Barger to support Senate Bill 616, also known as Piqui’s Law. The bill, by state Sen. Susan Rubio, D-Baldwin Park, would require judges, referees, commissioners, mediators, child custody recommending counselors and evaluators involved in child custody proceedings, to receive a minimum of 25 training … [Read more...]
Mother of 3 Girls Slain by Father at Sacramento Church Advocates for SB 616 “Piqui’s Law”
The mother of the three children fatally shot by their father at a church in Arden-Arcade on Feb. 28, 2022 spoke publicly for the first time Monday, June 27th. Ileana Gutiérrez shared her thoughts at a news conference in favor of state Senator Susan Rubio’s (D-Baldwin Park) Senate Bill 616, or "Piqui’s Law," which aims to protect children from domestic violence as parents separate and … [Read more...]