Domestic Violence & Child Abuse Resources
American Bar Association Child Custody and Support
Division of Public Education of the ABA has a child custody section that includes information on visitation, child support, and factors in awarding child custody.
American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence
Provides legal resources for attorneys and victims of domestic violence. The ABA’s Commission on Domestic Violence does not provide referral services or legal advice.
Battered Mothers Custody Conference
A national conference started in 2003 to raise awareness of domestic violence, divorce proceedings, child custody, and visitation disputes.
Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP)
BWJP promotes systemic change within community organizations and governmental agencies engaged in the civil and criminal justice response to domestic violence in order to hold these institutions accountable for the goals of safety and security for battered women and their children.
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence
Advocacy group on behalf of victims of domestic violence and their children. CPEDV also does work at the national level. CPEDV also provides referral services for legal resources, shelters, and providers.
California Chapter, National Organization for Women
The state chapter of NOW organizes and advocates for the reform of the California family court system. Produced a 2002 report on the family court system. Click here to download the report (3.5MB file)
Child Abuse Solutions, Inc.
Educational nonprofit organization based in California that offers training for Family Court and related professionals on the best practices in child custody evaluation, adjudication, and litigation involving allegations of sexual abuse, child abuse, and domestic violence. Also offers workshops and courses for continuing education for Family Court mediators and evaluators.
Child Justice
A non-profit organization in Maryland that provides pro bono legal services to protect children “lost in the system” after exposure to family violence, physical/sexual abuse, substance addictions or neglect.
Children Against Court-Ordered Child Abuse
A blog dedicated to educating the public about court-ordered child abuse.
Domestic Violence During the Pandemic: Resources for Victims and Survivors
A comprehensive guide created by a team at for victims and survivors of domestic violence who may be struggling to find resources during the pandemic. The guide provides a visually-friendly table with examples of red flags in abusive relationships, an infographic with tips on emergency planning, along with support programs for housing, immigration, and financial independence.
DV LEAP: Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment & Appeals Project
National nonprofit providing expert representation for appeals cases, educating pro bono counsel, judges, lawyers, and advocacy for domestic violence cases. Also does work in the District of Columbia.
Family Violence Appellate Project
The only nonprofit organization in California dedicated to appealing cases on behalf of domestic violence survivors.
Financial Help for Women in Abusive Relationships
A guide created by a team at is striving to empower women suffering from abuse.
Greyson’s Choice
A Florida-based non-profit is on a mission to develop programs, education, and training for all parties involved in family court. Our goal is to seek the protection of children innocently involved in domestic custody challenges.
Healthline’s Top Resources for Domestic Violence Pevention
Being the victim of domestic violence isn’t your fault, but reaching out for help can be scary. Becoming familiar with community and online resources can help you take that first step to get support. Some of the sites included here offer immediate assistance, and some concentrate on eliminating the causes of domestic violence on a larger scale. These sites are not listed in ranking order.
The Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma (IVAT)
IVAT was started in 2005, and its aim is to provide professional training and information dissemination to improve the quality of life for those affected by violence, abuse, and trauma on the local, national, and international levels.
Justice for Children
Nonprofit based out of Houston can connect litigants to local attorneys for pro bono legal services, Justice for Children does have very clear guidelines on who is eligible for these services, and all litigants may not be eligible for its services.
The Leadership Council on Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence
Provides research dealing with mental health and children issues, especially focused on child sex abuse and interpersonal violence.
Legal Momentum
The country’s oldest legal defense fund for children and women provides support for immigrant women who are victims of domestic violence and offers training services for judges about gender bias in the legal system.
Mothers of Lost Children
Organization based out of Davis for protective mothers, advocates and educates mothers about the family court system.
My Advocate Center
Founded in Fall 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia, to connect a variety of community resources necessary to ensure the best outcome for children who often become pawns in divorce and child custody cases. MAC has pursued a mission to provide parents, professionals, and policymakers with clear, actionable insight that will aid the dispute resolution process to serve the best interest of the child.
National Association to Protect Children
Advocacy organization that is nonpartisan and whose single issue is child protection. Organizes and educates around child protection and child sexual abuse.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National nonprofit started to eliminate domestic violence, empower children and battered women, and educate the public.
National Family Court Watch Project
A Volunteer organization originally started in Michigan to document family court proceedings with a standardized observational instrument to collect and observe data trends that emerge.
National Network to End Domestic Violence
Advocacy organization started to end all domestic violence against women and provides resources and training for coalition partners.
National Organization for Men Against Sexism
National organization promoting full equality for women, ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, and improving men. NOMAS provides resources and educational services, including various position papers and statistics related to domestic violence.
Protective Mothers Alliance International
International advocacy organization working to reform the family court system by supporting protective mothers and their children through media and community outreach, legislative reform, and education. is dedicated to connecting patients, students, and professionals to the latest and most useful healthcare information and resources available. They believe that health professionals need all the help they can get to address the consequences of sexual abuse. These resources should serve as free aids for professionals, students, and individuals dealing with this sobering public health concern.
Starting Over: How to Rebuild Your Finances After Experiencing Financial Abuse
A guide created by the team at focused on rebuilding finances after escaping an abusive relationship, providing tips on budgeting, building credit, and getting back into the workforce.
Stop Abuse Campaign
A group of individuals, all drawn from the fields of business management, communications, education, mental health, criminal justice, medical, advocacy, social, and community service, “The Stop Abuse Campaign exists to drive abuse into extinction.”
Stop the Silence
This organization provides various services to eliminate child sexual abuse, including policy development, community outreach, media advocacy, research, educational services, and training services to service providers about child sexual abuse.
Tech Safety Guide for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence
A guide created by a team at about staying safe online when living in an unsafe home with comprehensive information on digital abuse and tech safety for victims and survivors of domestic violence.