by Barry Goldstein Dear Judge,The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges seeks to train other judges about important scientific research like ACE (adverse childhood experiences) and Saunders. We now have a specialized body of research and knowledge about domestic violence and child abuse that can help courts recognize true reports of abuse and craft responses that help protect … [Read more...]
Family Courts’ Worst Trade for Kids: Safe Primary Attachment Figures vs. Abusers with “Rights”
Essay by Barry Goldstein How would a typical family court analyze a case in which they believe a safe mother who is the primary attachment figure has failed to promote the relationship with a father the mother believes is dangerous and abusive? In many ways, this is the typical custody case the courts would call “high conflict,” and experts familiar with current scientific research would call … [Read more...]
Alienation Distraction Tactics
Essay by Barry Goldstein There is a pattern in most domestic violence custody cases that would help courts understand child custody disputes better and avoid mistakes that place children in jeopardy. In most cases, during the relationship the father wanted or demanded the mother provide most of the child care. In any other type of litigation, this pattern would be recognized as an admission by … [Read more...]
Arizona Judge Brad Astrowsky Sent Kids of MLB Vet to Controversial “Reunification” Camp
Judge Bradley Howard Astrowsky, a family court judge in Phoenix, sent former Major League Baseball player David Segui's two sons from Arizona to California without Segui’s permission to attend the Family Bridges camp at their mother’s request. This comes after court filings in which Segui stated he tried to protect the boys from an abusive mother and her boyfriend. Earlier this year, a video … [Read more...]