By Barry Goldstein During our training to teach batterer classes, we often discussed the fact that much of domestic violence is counterintuitive. One would expect abusers to deny and minimize their abusive behavior, and they do. One would also expect alleged victims to exaggerate or even make up false reports of DV. Instead, it is very common for victims to minimize his abuse; … [Read more...]
“Shared Parenting” Places Ideology Over Children
by Barry Goldstein and Veronica York Just as custody courts developed responses for domestic violence at a time when no research was available, early proponents of shared parenting sought to experiment when there was no research about shared parenting. Initially, parents seeking shared parenting did so voluntarily, in situations where they were able to communicate and cooperate. There is now … [Read more...]
Open Letter to Family Court Lawyers from a Domestic Violence Expert
by Veronica York, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Custody Expert, Certified High-Conflict Divorce Coach Most family court custody cases are settled amicably. It’s only about 3.8% of cases that require trial and often much more. These cases are typically deemed “high conflict” by family court professionals. The reality is 75-90% of these cases are domestic violence and/or child abuse cases. … [Read more...]
The Child Knows Best: The Resultant Provision of Wellbeing When the Court Hears & Rules Accordingly
by Genevieve Brackins, Ph.D. Children inherently deserve to be nurtured and supported in their growth and development yet abuse all too often harms the wellbeing and development of children.[1] When a parent does not provide care and protection for a child the child may attempt self-preservation. This attempt may take the form of trying to stay beyond the reach of an abusive parent. Yet, family … [Read more...]
Inquiry Urged Into ‘Parental Alienation’ Court Experts
Lawyers and MPs in England and Wales express concern over ‘unregulated’ psychologists who play key role in disputes over domestic abuse. MPs, lawyers and charity leaders are among those calling for an urgent inquiry into the use of unregulated psychological experts in the family courts, after an investigation by the Observer. In a letter sent to the justice secretary, the victims’ … [Read more...]