A bill known as Piqui’s Law would prohibit court-ordered family reunification therapy or “camps” as part of a child custody or visitation rights proceeding, that is predicated on cutting off a child from a parent with whom the child is attached, is moving through the legislature. Authored by Senator Susan Rubio, the intent of SB 331 is to increase the priority given to child custody court … [Read more...]
Domestic Violence Training for Judges: West Covina Legislator’s Bill Clears Hurdle
Next stop for State Sen. Susan Rubio’s SB 616– Piqui’s Law — is the Senate, and then the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom. Along with a relentless push from mother Ana Estevez, actress Angelina Jolie has backed the effort. A San Gabriel Valley state legislator’s bill seeking to require judges to take domestic violence training to inform them on child safety during custody proceedings is one step … [Read more...]
Murders of Children Forced Congress and Biden to Act. Will California Do the Same?
BY SUSAN RUBIO AND KATHLEEN RUSSELL (SACRAMENTO BEE) - In February 2022, during a family-court-ordered visitation at a Sacramento church, a father murdered his three young daughters and a designated supervisor. He then committed suicide. Previously, the mother had obtained a domestic violence restraining order against the man, saying she feared for the life of her children and herself and that … [Read more...]
CA Assembly Passes “Piqui’s Law” by Senator Rubio, Family Court Bill Heads to Senate Judiciary
SACRAMENTO, CA – In a unanimous, bipartisan vote, the State Assembly today passed Piqui’s Law, by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park), which mandates judges take training on domestic violence and child abuse to prioritize child safety in custody proceedings and clarifies California's ban on the use of dangerous reunification programs in family court. Senate Bill 616, Piqui’s Law: Keeping … [Read more...]
LA Supervisors Contemplate a Motion Supporting SB 616 ‘Piqui’s Law’
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, today, will consider a motion by Supervisor Kathryn Barger to support Senate Bill 616, also known as Piqui’s Law. The bill, by state Sen. Susan Rubio, D-Baldwin Park, would require judges, referees, commissioners, mediators, child custody recommending counselors and evaluators involved in child custody proceedings, to receive a minimum of 25 training … [Read more...]