by Barry Goldstein Dear Judge,The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges seeks to train other judges about important scientific research like ACE (adverse childhood experiences) and Saunders. We now have a specialized body of research and knowledge about domestic violence and child abuse that can help courts recognize true reports of abuse and craft responses that help protect … [Read more...]
Mother of Murdered Boy Leads Push for Change
The little boy who loved his dog, his sisters and his toys lost his life at the hands of his own father last fall. Dylan Thebo was murdered by his father at his father’s Lowell Township home on Aug. 31, 2021. Derek Thebo then died by suicide. Dylan’s mother says the signs of trouble were well-documented. “I think people aren’t believed. Because with especially the psychological abuse and the … [Read more...]
‘Women Are Routinely Discredited’: How Courts Fail Mothers and Children Who Have Survived Abuse
This report from The Fuller Project, in partnership with the Guardian, details the routine family court failure to believe and protect mothers and children who have survived abuse and how abusive partners using the courts to control and harass their current and former partners. “I’m losing everything,” says Marissa, who learned last September, in the middle of an already contentious custody … [Read more...]
To Stop Domestic Violence, We Need to Listen to Science About Abusers
The recent tragic triple homicide in Austin is a stark reminder that perpetrators of domestic violence can, and sometimes do, escalate to homicide. That happened at least 178 times this past year in Texas alone. The Texas Council on Family Violence’s compelling and gut-wrenching annual report offers a brief account of each Texas victim. Stephen Broderick, who is accused of the shootings in … [Read more...]
Coercive Behavior Must Be Prioritized in Domestic Abuse Cases
Court of appeal judges in the UK have advised that the family courts should prioritize the issue of coercive and controlling behavior when considering disputes between parents in domestic abuse cases. New guidance for England and Wales welcomed but critics say it fails to address perpetuation of rape myths and the ‘contact at all costs’ approach. The judges said regarding coercive incidents that … [Read more...]