Since its inception, the Center for Judicial Excellence has spent countless hours helping journalists understand and report on the complexities of the family court crisis. We understand what journalists need and the real barriers that exist for those who want to report on this crisis, and we have helped dozens of producers, reporters, anchors, and editors overcome them by providing solid research, credible sources, trusted spokespeople, and effective angles that tell the story. Focusing media coverage on widespread system failure and meaningful efforts to fix it, rather than individual court cases, has helped news organizations get past the “he said, she said” concerns that used to kill these stories by the dozen.
CJE has also conducted media advocacy coaching and training with family court survivors who often need help condensing their many years of court-induced trauma into digestible sound bites that make sense to people who haven’t experienced the Alice-In-Wonderland of the family court crisis.
Click below for a sampling of the hundreds of news stories that CJE has helped generate about the family court crisis online, in print, and on the airwaves.
Media Projects