In a bipartisan and unanimous vote, the California Senate passed a bill today by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) that will protect victims and children by allowing for a pause in visitation if there are recent signs of escalating violent behavior by an abusive parent. Senate Bill 1265, “The Right to Pause Act: Child Custody Protection,” will amend the Family Code. It will clarify that in … [Read more...]
‘Light the Night’ to Underscore Need for Child Protection Reform in Domestic Violence Laws
For the last year, Ali Kessler has worked through grief to turn tragedy into action. Blocked by courts from protecting her 4-year-old son, Greyson “Gigs” Kessler, from what she knew were growing threats to his safety, she was all but helpless until it was too late. Now, one year after Greyson’s death, a developing nonprofit Kessler created will hold an event to highlight the need for court … [Read more...]
Is the Legal System Failing Our Children? Then There’s California Podcast – SB 616 “Piqui’s Law”
CA State Senator Susan Rubio, a domestic violence survivor, is joined by Ana Estevez, whose 5-year-old son 'Piqui' was murdered by his abusive father - and by Kathleen Russell, Executive Director of the Center for Judicial Excellence - to discuss her legislative efforts to further protect victims of child abuse and domestic violence, in our family courts. New episode streaming now on Audible, … [Read more...]
Violence Against Women Act Set to be Renewed Through Bipartisan Spending Agreement
Democratic and Republican lawmakers have agreed to include reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act in their omnibus spending package, Democratic leaders said Wednesday, capping a years-long effort to renew the landmark legislation after it expired in 2019. “When I first wrote and championed the original VAWA legislation, it helped break a dam of congressional and cultural resistance … [Read more...]
‘I have to fight for him’: Florida Mom Who Lost Son Pushes for Law to Remove Children from Threatening Parent
Protective mother Alison Kessler shares on MSNBC the tragic loss of her son Greyson, who was murdered by his father. She & Florida State Representative Michael Greico are working to pass Greyson's Law in Florida to prevent this tragedy from happening to other children. Greyson is one of the 810 children murdered by a divorcing parent in our national database, which was mentioned in this … [Read more...]