SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF NEW YORKTRICIA SINGER-ROMOHR, Plaintiff, -against-LINDA J. GOTTLIEB and LINDA GOTTLIEB, TURNING POINTS FORFAMILIES, P.C., Defendants. Index No.: SUMMONS To the above named Defendants:Linda J. Gottlieb472 FDR DriveApt K407New York, New York 10002Linda Gottlieb, Turning Points for Families, P.C.447 Broadway, 2nd Floor #330New York, … [Read more...]
A Court Ordered Siblings to a Reunification Camp With Their Estranged Father. The Children Say It Was Abusive.
One Thursday afternoon in December, a father and two of his estranged children boarded a flight from Salt Lake City to Texas, beginning an effort to repair their fractured relationship. A family court official had ordered them to attend a reunification camp, Turning Points for Families Texas, to repair damage that the judge said the boys’ mother had inflicted by alienating them from their … [Read more...]
State Lawmakers Consider Bill Banning Controversial Reunification Therapy and Camps
A bill known as Piqui’s Law would prohibit court-ordered family reunification therapy or “camps” as part of a child custody or visitation rights proceeding, that is predicated on cutting off a child from a parent with whom the child is attached, is moving through the legislature. Authored by Senator Susan Rubio, the intent of SB 331 is to increase the priority given to child custody court … [Read more...]
Family court abused discretion ordering children to Family Bridges reunification therapy, appellate court rules
The Second Appellate District Court reversed an order, in favor of the mother, that would have sent two children to Family Bridge’s 90-day reunification program last January. The mother appealed a Los Angeles family court order modifying the parenting plan between her and her former husband concerning their two minor children. “We agree the court abused its discretion and reverse the order,” … [Read more...]
Arizona Judge Brad Astrowsky Sent Kids of MLB Vet to Controversial “Reunification” Camp
Judge Bradley Howard Astrowsky, a family court judge in Phoenix, sent former Major League Baseball player David Segui's two sons from Arizona to California without Segui’s permission to attend the Family Bridges camp at their mother’s request. This comes after court filings in which Segui stated he tried to protect the boys from an abusive mother and her boyfriend. Earlier this year, a video … [Read more...]