SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF NEW YORKTRICIA SINGER-ROMOHR, Plaintiff, -against-LINDA J. GOTTLIEB and LINDA GOTTLIEB, TURNING POINTS FORFAMILIES, P.C., Defendants. Index No.: SUMMONS To the above named Defendants:Linda J. Gottlieb472 FDR DriveApt K407New York, New York 10002Linda Gottlieb, Turning Points for Families, P.C.447 Broadway, 2nd Floor #330New York, … [Read more...]
Her son said his stepdad was sexually abusive. A judge gave the stepdad custody anyway. Then his mom found the photographs.
How the 'junk science' of parental alienation infiltrated American family courts and allowed accused child abusers to win custody of their kids. In the summer of 2020, when he was 12, the boy told his therapist something he'd never told anyone else. For years, Robert claimed, his stepdad had sexually abused him. The therapist alerted the San Diego County child welfare agency, which … [Read more...]