After reviewing what led up to the murder-suicide of a 3-year-old boy by his father last year, a Kent County task force on Tuesday released several recommendations for how systems can more effectively identify domestic violence and work to prevent killings. The Kent County Domestic Violence Community Coordinated Response Team stressed that the only person to blame for the death of 3-year-old … [Read more...]
He Beat Her Repeatedly. Family Court Tried to Give Him Joint Custody of Their Children.
Jennifer Moston was about seven months pregnant when, she said, her husband grabbed her by the arms, picked her up and threw her against the staircase. Each time she tried to get up, he pushed her down again. Such abusive episodes continued for several years, she said, until 2016, when he allegedly tried to strangle her. She went to the police and filed for divorce. It seemed obvious to … [Read more...]
Washington Post: When DV Victims Go to Court Without a Lawyer, Odds are Stacked Heavily Against Them
CJE Director Kathleen Russell recently testified in the Connecticut Legislature on Sen. Alex Kasser's coercive control bill, where she focused on the tragic preventable filicide case of 7-month-old Aaden Moreno, and his protective mother, Adrianne Oyola. This mother's plea to protect her son fell on deaf ears, when Judge Barry C. Pinkus refused to extend her restraining order against the boy's … [Read more...]
The Price of Care: Investigating Corruption in California Conservatorships (ABC10 5-Part Series)
CJE has known for 15 years that probate courts are just as corrupt as family courts. In both courts, one of the first things that happens is a listing of the family's assets and resources. And then, the feeding frenzy begins. California courts prey on the elderly and children, our most vulnerable community members. Kudos to ABC10 journalist Andie Judson for this year-long investigation into … [Read more...]