CJE has known for 15 years that probate courts are just as corrupt as family courts. In both courts, one of the first things that happens is a listing of the family’s assets and resources. And then, the feeding frenzy begins. California courts prey on the elderly and children, our most vulnerable community members. Kudos to ABC10 journalist Andie Judson for this year-long investigation into California’s corrupt conservatorship and probate court systems. Court victims need to unite!
The Price of Care: Investigating California Conservatorships | ‘Civil Death’ (Episode One)
The Price of Care: Investigating California Conservatorships | ‘Patterns of Control (Episode Two)
The Price of Care: Investigating California Conservatorships | ‘The Old Boy’s Club’ (Episode Three)
The Price of Care: Investigating California Conservatorships | ‘The Fight for Accountability’ (Episode Four)
The Price of Care: Investigating California Conservatorships | ‘Set Up for Failure’ (Episode Five)