Jennifer Moston was about seven months pregnant when, she said, her husband grabbed her by the arms, picked her up and threw her against the staircase. Each time she tried to get up, he pushed her down again. Such abusive episodes continued for several years, she said, until 2016, when he allegedly tried to strangle her. She went to the police and filed for divorce. It seemed obvious to … [Read more...]
Federal Lawsuit Claims NY Judge Anthony McGinty Favors Abusive Men in Custody Cases
An upstate New York domestic violence survivor, author, and family child advocate Francesca Amato said Ulster County Family Court Judge Anthony McGinty violated her rights by awarding custody of her teen son to her abusive ex — and she claims other female litigants are facing similar fates, an explosive federal lawsuit alleges. Judge McGinty placed her 13-year-old son with a father, who has a … [Read more...]
‘Women Are Routinely Discredited’: How Courts Fail Mothers and Children Who Have Survived Abuse
This report from The Fuller Project, in partnership with the Guardian, details the routine family court failure to believe and protect mothers and children who have survived abuse and how abusive partners using the courts to control and harass their current and former partners. “I’m losing everything,” says Marissa, who learned last September, in the middle of an already contentious custody … [Read more...]
SB 654 Youth Testimony Protections – “to amplify the voices of children in family court custody cases”
SB 654, Youth Testimony Protections - Senator Dave Min, 37th District California has taken steps in recent years to amplify the voices of children in family court custody cases – yet too often this is done in situations that can be traumatizing and dangerous for children. To ensure that children are protected from facing life-altering trauma in family court, SB 654 prevents a child’s testimony … [Read more...]
State-Sanctioned Abuse of DV Survivors in Family Courts – The Government Can No Longer Claim Ignorance
(UK) Channel 4 Dispatches looks into the family court system and will bring much-needed attention to the “state-sanctioned abuse” experienced by adults and children in the U.K. "While the program is incredibly emotional and difficult to watch, it is essential viewing, as we must shine a light on what is going on inside these courts which are currently shrouded in secrecy." Read more here, … [Read more...]