The Center for Judicial Excellence (CJE) was surprised to hear that just two days after an historic audit of the California Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP) was approved by state legislators, Joe Sweeney, the author of the Court Reform LLC report on the CJP, which was widely circulated and reported on as a pivotal factor in securing the audit, is facing a harsh jail sentence in Contra … [Read more...]
ACES 2015 Legislative Report Card
CJE's affiliate Advocates for Child Empowerment and Safety (ACES) just released the inaugural ACES 2015 Legislative Report Card. This report card describes several child-safety measures considered by the California Legislature during the 2015 legislative session, and it grades legislators on their leadership and votes to keep California children safe. Our 2015 champions are Senators Jim … [Read more...]
Oversight Hearing On Judicial Accountability – March 28, 2016
We had a strong turnout at the important oversight hearing about the California Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP) on Monday, March 28, 2016. We filled the room with advocates for judicial accountability and had the chance to tell state legislators that CA desperately needs meaningful judicial oversight. View the Hearing Agenda Here. 3/15/16 Memo Re: … [Read more...]
Memo Re: Upcoming Hearing on Commission on Judicial Performance
This memo details how there are currently zero legal remedies available to litigants in California and includes proposed judicial accountability measures. We encourage you to please read this and share it with your state lawmakers! This information will also be shared in our testimony at the March 28th hearing, we hope to see you there! Memo Re: Upcoming Hearing on Commission on Judicial … [Read more...]
Looking for participants to take a survey on the CA family court system
Michelle Mercurio is a doctoral student at Saybrook University in California. She is doing a study on the California family court system about the experiences of protective mothers of abused children, as part of her Psychology Dissertation course. Her survey should take at least an hour. It includes an optional follow-up phone call. She will need at least 15 participants for the study. If … [Read more...]