SALT LAKE CITY — We are continuing to learn more about a murder-suicide that took place in Salt Lake City on Saturday.
Police say 49-year-old Parth Gandhi killed his 16-year-old son, before killing himself.
Court records that date back 15 years show a lengthy custody battle between Gandhi and Moses, beginning when Moses filed for divorce in 2009. The divorce would be finalized in 2014, but the fight over custody would continue for years.
In 2019, records show a case for custodial interference was brought up against Moses by Gandhi. It would ultimately be dismissed without prejudice, which Gandhi objected to.
In February of 2022, the courts awarded Gandhi full custody of his 16-year-old son in a temporary order that was issued in Third District Court.
It stated that “Parth shall have legal custody of minor son O.M.G. with the final decision-making authority regarding education and medical issues.”
However, last month a custody evaluation report was filed in court, just weeks before the murder-suicide took place.
“She finally received a custody evaluation that she had been longing for the whole time that outlined all of the problems and recommended that be in her full custody,” said Blythe.
Read more here.